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The Hidden Reality of Pre-Approved Credit Cards

Customer acquisition for credit card providers has become more like a rat race where the smallest opportunities to gain a customers are not left untouched. Pre-approved credit cards is one such opportunity. If you check every mail that you receive in your mailbox online, you will find it loaded with at least two to three offers of such credit cards with 3-4 banks at a minimum. Almost, everyone receives these offers. But what is it that needs to be done with these offers. Do we outrightly reject them or go for it. There is another road routes in between the hasty decisions of acceptance and rejection and that is knowledge and research.

Be Doubtful, Not Debtful

It is vital to know the product first, its shortcomings and what it can do for you in the long run. Credit cards are made so easily available today that it often makes one wonder whether addiction to shop with the plastic card is more addictive that other narcotic addictions. The truth is that perhaps in the fact that any extremely advantageous product has some backside that is capable of leaving us in the ditch if misused. so hold on there, before you get yourself one these pre-approved credit cards and know more about them.

What is Pre-Approved Credit Card

The credit card provider or bank will offer you something called the pre approved credit card. This does not mean that you will receive it. In reality it means that the credit card company or bank has been through databases of CIBIL scores and range of people eligible for a credit card. Hence, an automatic mailer has been sent to the people with such satisfactory CIBIL scores as a bait to fish you out as a customer with a pretty worm called pre approved credit card. If you go for it, the bank or credit card company will conduct a second round of assessment of your credit history, if they do not find it up to the mark, your application may be rejected also possibly bringing down your CIBIL score with a credit card application rejection. So, it is a two step back if your application is rejected.

How Can Pre-Approved Credit Offers Be Further Hazard

Here is why to think twice before applying for them even if you have a considerably satisfactory CIBIL score:

When to Say Yes?

However, there are indeed upsides and advantages of credit cards and pre-approved credit cards. this includes:

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